Streamline Runway
The Streamline Runway is a highly versatile and reliable midrange disc that excels in challenging wind conditions. It offers stability and control, allowing for powerful throws with pinpoint accuracy. This disc is especially favored by power throwers who seek a midrange option that can handle turnovers and forehand lines. With its minimal glide, the Runway stands out from other similar discs in its category, making it an excellent choice for power upshots, hyzer approaches, and those windy rounds. It's designed to maintain its stability round after round, becoming a trusted and stable midrange in your disc golf bag. Check out our selection of the Streamline Runway to add this exceptional disc to your game.
Flight numbers
Speed 5, Glide 4, Turn 0, Fade 3.5
Disc type
Skill level
Intermediate, Advanced
Disc diameter
21.5 cm
Rim width
1.4 cm