These factory-second discs have minor defects that won't affect flight, so they still perform great! Save a little when you opt for a factory second version of your favorite model.
The Vanish will be straight to understable depending on the thrower and wind conditions. The Vanish's stability profile places it near a threshold of being straight at low power or in tailwinds, and controllably understable at high power or in mild headwinds. As a 21.5mm class GYRO™ driver, the Vanish is designed to hit a midpoint of stability between two MVP Disc Sports models, the Wave and Orbital.
Features & details
- Flight characteristics: 11 / 5 / -3 / 2 (speed / glide / turn / fade)
- Best choice for: hyzer drives, headwinds, placement shots
- Weight: 172g
- Condition: 9+/10 New & Unthrown